***Prayer Request from Konstantinos Frangoudakis *****
Please Pray for a friend of Konsta friend, her brother past away as the result of a car accident. Lift up the whole family in Prayer during this time of sadness and let our God work in their life
***Prayer Request for F.A.I.T.H. Riders Down***
Please pray for Daniel Coffey, member of Crossroads F.A.I.T.H. Riders in Newnan GA. He laid his bike down in I-85 this evening on his way home. He has some road rash, not real bad, and some back discomfort. It could have been worse so praise God for that, but we need the hand of our Lord on him right now that there are no other injuries and quick healing. He is at Atlanta Medical Center and I will update when I hear more
One of our Unity F.A.I.T.H. Riders has an unspoken Prayer Request tonight, please keep this Faithful Servant in your prayers tonight, God knows what needs to be done and all we need to do is Pray. Thanks may God Bless us all and hear our Prayers.
Prayer Request for our lost Brothers and Sisters in Texas!
F.A.I.T.H. Rider family touched in a personal way, Please keep this Chapter in your Prayers!
From F.A.I.T.H. Riders National
Greetings fellow F.A.I.T.H. Riders.
It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I inform you that the shooting in First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs TX has touched our F.A.I.T.H. Rider family in a very personal way.
The Pastor of the church is a member and his 14 year old daughter was one of the church family that was killed.
Another chapter member was the chapter secretary and she was killed
Another chapter member was shot 4 times and is in the hospital but still alive and expected to recover.
Another chapter member was killed along with 7 members of his family.
The Chapter Director has asked me to not mention names at this point and I will honor his wishes. He is heartened to know that F.A.I.T.H. Riders around the country are lifting them up in prayer.
They had previously scheduled a Toys for Tots type run on Saturday December 16th and he said with the help of a local HOG group, that ride will still happen. To use his words "That punk will not get a victory over us" and the "Kids of our community will still have Christmas presents".
Please keep lifting this community in your prayers and when details of a memorial service are planned and finalized I will let you know.
May God bless these hurting people during this tragic time of need.
Keep doing what you are doing. Diane and I love and appreciate you all.
Mike Stewart
National Director
August 25, 2017
Please keep Kenny LaBruyere and his family in your prayers. Kenny's sister went home to be with the Lord today. Pray for God's peace to surround them and for them to feel comforted as they make the necessary arrangements. We want to extend our deepest condolences on their loss.
August 14, 2017


Please be in prayer for Judy and Jeff. They were recently involved in a severe motorcycle accident. Both Judy and Jeff are currently in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Both are stable but have internal and external wounds.
Here's what we know so far:
Jeff has two lumbar fractures, one broken rib, and a broken scapula. Depending on the results from a recent MRI, he may need surgery. If surgery isn't needed, they will fit him for a back brace and he will hopefully getmoved out of ICU soon.
Judy has several rib fractures, three vertebral fractures, both wrists are fractured, lacerations on her spleen, and a small brain bleed.
Doctors want to do an MRI of her spine first just to make sure she's stable before they take her for the surgery for her wrists. The lacerations on her spleen aren't bad enough to require surgery right now so that's great news!
The family has been inundated with calls, emails, and texts from concerned family and friends. As you can imagine they are more concerned with Judy and Jeff right now so updates will be given as the family has time. Please respect their privacy and continue to pray for swift healing.
August 7, 2017: Praise report on Brandon LaSocha: Through an amazing providential circumstance, God has worked in the life of Brandon LaSocha. If you remember, back in June, Brandon was rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung. After weeks and weeks of treatments, a lot of pain and suffering, many tears and prayers, the LaSocha family is seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. During the night, Brandon's doctor woke up at 3:00 a.m. thinking about how to correct the leak in Brandon's lung. At the very same time, Brandon's mother was awake praying for God to give the doctor wisdom. In the hospital, at exactly 3:00 a.m., Brandon was wide awake and could not sleep. Now some may think all of this is a coincidence but we do not. God works in mysterious ways! The doctor has now performed a trial procedure using talcum powder to seal up the hole in Brandon's lung. If the procedure works, he'll be released from the hospital Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. Please keep praying! God is up to something in this young man's life.
July 24, 2017: Please pray for Sharon Marr's little sister, Lisa. She will be starting chemotherapy treatments this week. Please also remember to pray for Lisa in the days ahead as her treatment will continue for the next several weeks. Pray especially against infection, fatigue, and other side effects. Ask God to strengthen her immune system even before treatments begin. We will keep you posted as updates come in and as more specific prayer is needed.
On Monday, we informed you of a tragic motor cycle accident here in Newnan where Brent Hulsey was killed. The Hulsey's are members of Crossroads Church. Brian and Brenda Hulsey (Brent's parents) are asking for F.A.I.T.H. Riders to escort Brian from Hwy 154 campus back to McKoon's Funeral Home. They would also appreciate having help setting up the area for the family to have food after the service. The funeral is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. this Saturday at Thomas Crossroads Church 2564 GA HWY 154, Newnan, GA 30265. If you're interested in volunteering in this vital ministry opportunity and want to show your support, please contact Ron LaSocha at lasocha06@gmail.com Remember to pray for the family as they are still grieving their loss. Update: Many F.A.I.T.H. Riders helped with the need to escort Brent's casket to McKoon's Funeral Home. A special thank you to all those who participated.
Please pray for Phillip Cook, our Alabama State Coordinator. He has suffered a heart attack and is currently in ICU. The medical team has performed surgery to insert 2 stents. It is hopeful he will be released tomorrow so he can continue his ministry to others. Pray for God's protection from infection and for a complete healing.
June 27, 2017:
Here's what we know so far:
Jeff has two lumbar fractures, one broken rib, and a broken scapula. Depending on the results from a recent MRI, he may need surgery. If surgery isn't needed, they will fit him for a back brace and he will hopefully getmoved out of ICU soon.
Judy has several rib fractures, three vertebral fractures, both wrists are fractured, lacerations on her spleen, and a small brain bleed.
Doctors want to do an MRI of her spine first just to make sure she's stable before they take her for the surgery for her wrists. The lacerations on her spleen aren't bad enough to require surgery right now so that's great news!
The family has been inundated with calls, emails, and texts from concerned family and friends. As you can imagine they are more concerned with Judy and Jeff right now so updates will be given as the family has time. Please respect their privacy and continue to pray for swift healing.
July 24, 2017: Please pray for Sharon Marr's little sister, Lisa. She will be starting chemotherapy treatments this week. Please also remember to pray for Lisa in the days ahead as her treatment will continue for the next several weeks. Pray especially against infection, fatigue, and other side effects. Ask God to strengthen her immune system even before treatments begin. We will keep you posted as updates come in and as more specific prayer is needed.
July 11, 2017: Please prayer for a friend of Nathan Thompson. Nathan has shared an urgent request with us. His dear friend tried to overdose last night. The friend is currently stable but in need of your intercessory prayers. Please ask God to bring peace and comfort to this hurting and confused person. Please ask God to use Nathan to minister his love and care during this difficult time. Also please pray against any feelings of depression or rejection this person may be having. Pray that this friend would know that he or she is precious to God and that God loves him or her very much. Thank you in advance and if God gives you a burden to continue praying for Nathan's friend throughout the rest of the week, please pay attention! The Holy Spirit gives guidance and direction continually, but we must be willing to listen and act immediately. 7.24.17 Update: Nathan's friend is doing some better but still needs prayer.
June 29, 2017:
Please pray for Phillip Cook, our Alabama State Coordinator. He has suffered a heart attack and is currently in ICU. The medical team has performed surgery to insert 2 stents. It is hopeful he will be released tomorrow so he can continue his ministry to others. Pray for God's protection from infection and for a complete healing.
June 27, 2017:
Please pray for Brandon LaSocha. He is currently in Piedmont Newnan Hospital for a collapsed lung. Doctors will insert a tube to re-inflate the lung.
Prayer request from Robin Brown Floyd: (works for Harley) Robin is asking for prayer for her brother, Jay. He has stage 4 cancer. (The cancer was not caught early and in fact was misdiagnosed as pneumonia.) Her brother is currently in the hospital and Robin is very concerned. Please pray for Robin and Jay to feel God's presence as they are trusting Him for healing. Pray also, as the Spirit leads, for God to intervene in Jay's care and for His perfect will to be accomplished during this time. Our God is mighty and He is able to completely cure Jay. Thank you for lifting up this special prayer need.
June 13, 2017: Please continue to pray for Sharon Marr's father and the rest of her family as they continue to process the recent homegoing of Sharon's mother. Please pray for God to comfort them as they grieve but also to remind them of the wonderful hope they have in the glorious reunion that awaits them one day soon.
June 11, 2017: Update on Warren Whitten's father: He is resting comfortably after surgery on his foot. The cause of the infection is unknown and doctors are going to keep him until Monday for further testing. Please continue your prayers for complete healing.
June 10, 2017 Special prayer request for one of our biker brothers: Warren Whitten's father is in Piedmont Newnan hospital with an unknown infection in his leg. Please pray the doctors can find the source of the infection and treat it quickly so healing can begin. Pray also for Warren, that God would comfort him during this anxious time.
June 8,2017: Please pray for those injured in a bus accident on 285 today. This was a church bus filled with children going on a mission trip. One person was killed and many more seriously injured.
May 31, 2017: Please pray for Kathy Connor. She's had a setback and is experiencing more health issues. More details to come as we receive them but for now just ask God to intervene.
May 30, 2017: Please pray for the family of Sharon and Richard Marr. Sharon's mother went home to be with the Lord this past Sunday. Family will be traveling to Minneapolis for the services. Please pray for God to grant each family member safe travel. Would you also lift up the family as they are in their time of mourning? Ask God to provide His perfect peace. Please pray Sharon and Richard would be able to feel His mighty arms undergird them during this difficult time. Thank you in advance for sharing in their loss. We know this Earth is not our home, but losing a loved one is so very difficult.
May 25, 2017:
Prayer request and update on Kathy Connor - please continue to lift up Kathy as she continues to recover. Her sodium level has improved and the spinal tap was normal. She still has several challenges ahead but God is working! Thank you so much for your prayers. I'm sure they can feel them. Update May 30, 2017: Kathy Connor has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. Thank you so much for all your prayers. I'm sure Sam and Kathy felt them and God certainly heard them! There is mighty power in unified prayer.
May 24, 2017:
Please say a special prayer this morning for Inez Roth, Glenda Lander's mother. Mrs. Roth is experiencing health issues again and will be hospitalized. Pray for Gayla, Glenda's sister, as she assists in attending to Mrs. Roth's needs. Pray for Glenda and Gayla as decisions need to be made that God will give them complete peace and assurance to know they've made the best and wisest choices.
Glenda also asks for prayer for her family as they lost a beloved uncle last night, Mr. Edwin (Jake) Roth. Pray for God's comfort to surround those who are grieving.
Glenda's friend, Peggy, needs prayer too. Peggy will be undergoing triple bypass surgery tomorrow. Pray for the doctors to have steady hands and for Peggy to trust God for His protection and provision.
May 22, 2017
Please pray for Sam Connor's wife, Kathy. She is in the hospital as doctors try to get her sodium levels under control. Update: May 24, 2017 Please continue to pray for Sam Connor's wife, Kathy. She is in the intensive care unit at Piedmont and continues to fight. Pray against lung infection and a possible brain infection. This is a serious situation. Please ask your friends to pray for Kathy too. We need as many warriors on the task as possible. God is able to heal her completely and we're going to ask for that very thing to be done! Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Please pray for Pastor Phil Pilgrim's brother, Randy, as he will be having bypass surgery tomorrow. Update May 23, 2017 Randy’s surgery is complete. After 2 bypasses, he is doing recovering well. Praise God!
May 20, 2017
Please pray for a rider who went down this morning around 8:30 a.m. near 34 and Roscoe Road. We have no information other than one of our members saw the accident and stopped to help. We should always be ready to assist in the event of a downed biker. Please check out the safety tips for helping a downed rider on our Motorcycle tips page.
May 19, 2017
Please pray for Rodney Ogle. Rodney is suffering some major health issues right now and could use a lot of prayer. Please pray for relief from pain, wisdom for the doctors and comfort for his family members as they come alongside him during this stressful time.
May 15, 2017: Please pray for adoption precedings to go well for - Child from China that April and Brandon Duke (April is Sandy and Phil Pilgrim's daughter). Pray for Pastor Gary Howard, recently diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer.
Pray for Myrtle Beach Bike Week - Pray for the F.A.I.T.H. Riders working the tent this week and for all the bikers attending the rally.
May 14,2017: F.A.I.T.H. Riders, we've been praying for Melissa Evans' friends. The newborn baby has now developed jaundice. Please pray the liver will begin functioning properly and the jaundice will dissipate. Our God is able!
May 13, 2017:
F.A.I.T.H. Riders, please pray for Melissa Evans' friends. Tara, Kayla and their family. This family is standing watch and praying over a recent addition to their family. This little one was born with underdeveloped lungs. The child is currently in the ICU at Piedmont Newnan and is receiving the best care possible. We know God is aware of this situation. Please pray for His perfect will to be accomplished and for those caring for the infant to be attentive and loving. Pray for God's overwhelming peace to engulf the family and for them to be able to rest knowing God's got all of this under control and there's no need to worry.
May 11, 2017:
June 22, 2017: Prayer is needed for Rachel and Chris Williams. Chris is the preacher at Woodleaf Baptist Church. They were involved in a serious motorcycle accident. Rachel lost her leg and has been and is in critical condition. Chris has a lot of broken bones and lost his ear. Please also pray for their son Caleb. This family needs prayers!!! Share with your praying friends.
June 21, 2017 Praise report: Bonnie's daughter, Jamie, received wonderful news after going through a diagnostic mammogram for suspected breast cancer. When the mammogram and ultrasound were performed, the lump that was there and confirmed by the doctor, was completely GONE! We are praising God for this wonderful miracle!
June 11, 2017: Update on Warren Whitten's father: He is resting comfortably after surgery on his foot. The cause of the infection is unknown and doctors are going to keep him until Monday for further testing. Please continue your prayers for complete healing.
June 10, 2017 Special prayer request for one of our biker brothers: Warren Whitten's father is in Piedmont Newnan hospital with an unknown infection in his leg. Please pray the doctors can find the source of the infection and treat it quickly so healing can begin. Pray also for Warren, that God would comfort him during this anxious time.
June 8,2017: Please pray for those injured in a bus accident on 285 today. This was a church bus filled with children going on a mission trip. One person was killed and many more seriously injured.
May 31, 2017: Please pray for Kathy Connor. She's had a setback and is experiencing more health issues. More details to come as we receive them but for now just ask God to intervene.
May 30, 2017: Please pray for the family of Sharon and Richard Marr. Sharon's mother went home to be with the Lord this past Sunday. Family will be traveling to Minneapolis for the services. Please pray for God to grant each family member safe travel. Would you also lift up the family as they are in their time of mourning? Ask God to provide His perfect peace. Please pray Sharon and Richard would be able to feel His mighty arms undergird them during this difficult time. Thank you in advance for sharing in their loss. We know this Earth is not our home, but losing a loved one is so very difficult.
May 25, 2017:
Prayer request and update on Kathy Connor - please continue to lift up Kathy as she continues to recover. Her sodium level has improved and the spinal tap was normal. She still has several challenges ahead but God is working! Thank you so much for your prayers. I'm sure they can feel them. Update May 30, 2017: Kathy Connor has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. Thank you so much for all your prayers. I'm sure Sam and Kathy felt them and God certainly heard them! There is mighty power in unified prayer.
Please say a special prayer this morning for Inez Roth, Glenda Lander's mother. Mrs. Roth is experiencing health issues again and will be hospitalized. Pray for Gayla, Glenda's sister, as she assists in attending to Mrs. Roth's needs. Pray for Glenda and Gayla as decisions need to be made that God will give them complete peace and assurance to know they've made the best and wisest choices.
Glenda also asks for prayer for her family as they lost a beloved uncle last night, Mr. Edwin (Jake) Roth. Pray for God's comfort to surround those who are grieving.
Glenda's friend, Peggy, needs prayer too. Peggy will be undergoing triple bypass surgery tomorrow. Pray for the doctors to have steady hands and for Peggy to trust God for His protection and provision.
May 22, 2017
Please pray for Sam Connor's wife, Kathy. She is in the hospital as doctors try to get her sodium levels under control. Update: May 24, 2017 Please continue to pray for Sam Connor's wife, Kathy. She is in the intensive care unit at Piedmont and continues to fight. Pray against lung infection and a possible brain infection. This is a serious situation. Please ask your friends to pray for Kathy too. We need as many warriors on the task as possible. God is able to heal her completely and we're going to ask for that very thing to be done! Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Please pray for Pastor Phil Pilgrim's brother, Randy, as he will be having bypass surgery tomorrow. Update May 23, 2017 Randy’s surgery is complete. After 2 bypasses, he is doing recovering well. Praise God!
May 20, 2017
Please pray for a rider who went down this morning around 8:30 a.m. near 34 and Roscoe Road. We have no information other than one of our members saw the accident and stopped to help. We should always be ready to assist in the event of a downed biker. Please check out the safety tips for helping a downed rider on our Motorcycle tips page.
May 19, 2017
Please pray for Rodney Ogle. Rodney is suffering some major health issues right now and could use a lot of prayer. Please pray for relief from pain, wisdom for the doctors and comfort for his family members as they come alongside him during this stressful time.
May 15, 2017: Please pray for adoption precedings to go well for - Child from China that April and Brandon Duke (April is Sandy and Phil Pilgrim's daughter). Pray for Pastor Gary Howard, recently diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer.
Pray for Myrtle Beach Bike Week - Pray for the F.A.I.T.H. Riders working the tent this week and for all the bikers attending the rally.
May 14,2017: F.A.I.T.H. Riders, we've been praying for Melissa Evans' friends. The newborn baby has now developed jaundice. Please pray the liver will begin functioning properly and the jaundice will dissipate. Our God is able!
May 13, 2017:
F.A.I.T.H. Riders, please pray for Melissa Evans' friends. Tara, Kayla and their family. This family is standing watch and praying over a recent addition to their family. This little one was born with underdeveloped lungs. The child is currently in the ICU at Piedmont Newnan and is receiving the best care possible. We know God is aware of this situation. Please pray for His perfect will to be accomplished and for those caring for the infant to be attentive and loving. Pray for God's overwhelming peace to engulf the family and for them to be able to rest knowing God's got all of this under control and there's no need to worry.
May 11, 2017:
Sharon and Richard Marr: Please continue to pray for God's wisdom and direction as important family decisions are being made. Pray specifically for Sharon to experience God's complete peace. There are many prayer requests going up for this sweet family. God knows each and every need. We trust His perfect timing and His perfect answers.
Gary Franks: God knows the need, please just pray for God's will to be done in this situation.
Alex and Tabitha Smith: This sweet couple lost their newborn baby boy, Benjamin, yesterday. Pray for comfort during their time of grieving.
Sharon and Richard Marr: Sharon's mother has experienced serious life threatening health issues. Traveling mercies for Richard. Pray for God's wisdom and peace. (see above for update)
Brandon Webster: Brandon was recently injured in a serious dirt bike accident. After suffering a major brain injury, he is now on life support. Please pray for God's complete healing and restoration.
Earl Crouse: God has heard our prayers! We've been praying for Earl for over a week now. He's doing much better. The stent has been removed and he's on the mend. Praise God for His mighty healing power!
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